Friday 8 February 2019

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Program To Find The Sum Of The Given n Integers Using An Array[c programming examples with output]

Write A Program To Find The Sum Of The Given n Integers Using An Array

/*Program To Find Sum Of n Integers*/
    int x[50],n,i,sum;
    printf("\n How many integers??");
        /*loop to read N integers*/
         f or(i=0;i<n;i++)
       printf("\n Enter the %dth value: ",i+1);
      /*loop to find sum of all integers*/
       printf("\nSum of all integers=%d",sum);

How many integers??5
Enter the 1th value: 36
Enter the 2th value: 45
Enter the 3th value: 52
Enter the 4th value: 40
Enter the 5th value: 61
Sum of all integers=234

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