Monday 31 December 2018

Find Armstrong Number[c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output:

Find Armstrong Number


int a,b,c,d;
printf("Enter any number : ");
          printf("%d is an Armstrong Number",b);
          printf("%d is not an Armstrong Number",b);


Enter any number: 153
153 is an Armstrong Number
Enter any number 167
167 is not an Armstrong Number

Find Average Of Odd Numbers Below A Range[c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output

Find Average Of Odd Numbers Below A Range

int a,b,c,d;
float f;
printf("Enter the range: ");
printf("\nThe average of odd numbers below %d: %f",b,f);

Enter the range:20
The average of odd numbers below 20: 10.000000

Check others programming by click here:

Find perfect number or not[c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output

Find perfect number or not

int a,b,c;
printf("Enter any number: ");
                printf("%d is a Perfect number",a);
                printf("%d is not a Perfect number",a);

Enter any number: 6
6 is a Perfect number
Enter any number:33
33 is not a Perfect number

Check others programming by click here:

Even number upto a range[c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output

Even number upto a range

int a,b;
printf("Enter the range: ");

Enter the range:10

Find biggest number out of three numbers [c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output

Find the biggest number out of three numbers

int a,b,c;
printf("Enter any three numbers : ");
if((a>b) && (a>c))
    printf("The big number: %d",a);
else if(b>c)
          printf("The big number: %d",b);
          printf("The big number: %d,c);

Enter any three numbers :1

check prime number or not [c programming examples with output]

C programming examples with output:

Prime or Not Prime

int a,b,c;
printf("Enter any number : ");
printf("%d is a prime number",a);
printf("%d is not a prime number",a);

Enter any number: 2
2 is a prime number

Enter any number:4

Sunday 30 December 2018

Magnetic Core Memory[What Is Magnetic Core Memory]

Magnetic Core Memory

magnetic core memory
Magnetic Core Memory

Magnetic core memory is a non-volatile random access memory. In 1951 at MIT magnetic core memory was developed. Almost all early computers used the magnetic core as their primary internal memory before the wide availability of semiconductor memory. The basic magnetic core memory cell is a small doughnut-shaped core which was made of a ferromagnetic material. These cores are called ferrite cores. Its diameter is almost 0.05 inch. Here in magnetic core memory, there is a small wire which threaded through the centre of the magnetic core. When a current pulse is passed through in this wire, a magnetic flux is set up in the core in a direction that depends on the direction of the current. Because of the magnetic retentivity of the core, it stays magnetized even after the current pulse is terminated. In other words, it is non-volatile. The two directions of magnetization are used to represent 1 and 0, respectively. Stored data are read from a core by magnetizing it in the 0 direction and using a second threaded wire as a sense wire. The size of the voltage induced in the sense wire will be greater if the core is initially in 1 state rather than 0 state. The reading of a magnetic core memory is said to be destructive since it always leaves in 0 state. Thus, the data can be rewritten after a read operation.
The magnetic core memory system has access times from 100ns to 500ns. It can still be found in some old minicomputers and mainframes. But for all practical purposes, their large physical size and complex interface circuitry have made them virtually obsolete.

Saturday 29 December 2018

Ethernet[What Is Ethernet]


Ethernet Connection Cable

Ethernet is a LAN technology with which we can connect many computers together and transfer data between them. To build ethernet connection we use mainly 3types of ethernet cables which are:
1. Coaxial Cable
2. Twisted Pair Cable
3. Optic Fibre Cable

Coaxial Cable:
It is a signal wire. It made with an insulator, metallic shield and plastic. In this cable, insulator controls the signal of our data. Metallic shield controlled electromagnetic interference. And plastic prevents the wire from water and other external strikes.

Twisted Pair Cable:
This cable basically made with 2 or 4 copper wire. To prevent cross talk it patches each other.

Fibre Optic Cable:
Fibre optic cable is totally different from coaxial cable and twisted pair cable. Mainly it transfers data through light. Therefore it's speed is higher than coaxial and twisted pair cable.

In 1970 ethernet was first developed by engineers at Xerox Parc(a Xerox company) in California. After that Ethernet replaced with large LAN technologies such as ARCNET, FDDI and Token ring. When we talk about this kind of large LAN technology. Let's know a little bit of these.
The Token ring is a communication protocol for local area network. There is a three-byte frame which is called as "token" which moves around a "ring". ARCNET is known as Attached Resource Computer Network. It is also a communication protocol like Token ring. And FDDI which is known as Fibre Distributed Data Interface is a data transmission network connection. First, it was built with optical fibre but later with copper cable. That is why it is also called as Copper Distributed Data Interface. The ethernet is divide by many short pieces which is known as frames. These frames are the main part of the ethernet. Basically, it checks the error and checks the destination addresses. Here a new concept comes, which is the MAC address. The Media Access Control(MAC) address also checks the data packet along with the error.                                                                                                                                             
 If two devices try to transfer data between them at the same time then data packets face problem to connect with its destiny. To solve this kind of problem, the IEEE(Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers) developed the Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) protocol, which allows devices to check that kind of data transferring problem. So, we can say that Ethernet is a standard type of protocol used to connect devices.


How Ethernet Works:
Think with an example that, you have a router. And you have connected all your smart devices together like computer, printer and others. Now when you give a command to your printer to print something then the data command goes into the router and then router send this message to the printer. In the past 30 years, ago there was a fixed coaxial cable which connects this all devices with a single cable. That time if a computer wants to send any data then it had to shout in the network to stop other devices.When other devices stopped then the process starts. If those two devices send that at the same time, then the communication starts with them. But there was a problem with this method. Because if more than two devices send data at the same time, then the ethernet cannot work. To solve this problem MAC or Media Access Control Address concept comes. Every network device has a unique number which is MAC. With this MAC address, every network devices got a globally unique name. Thus the problem solved. Now when we send any data the MAC address goes into the router and then the router sends its prefixed MAC address to another device. Thus the Ethernet works.

Wednesday 26 December 2018

What Is Cache Memory

Cache Memory:


We know that CPUs are faster than memories. Day by day engineers are doing a lot of hardworking to make the chip smallest. They inputting more and more circuits on a single chip and thus they make a CPU so faster. As well as memory designers are also using various of technology to increase the memory capacity but they are not able to make its speed. Actually, the problem is not technology. The engineers are trying to build a memory which will as fast as CPU. But here a problem comes. If we want a high-speed memory then we have to locate it on the CPU and this is not an impossible task. But to locate it on CPU the total size will highly increase. To solve this kind of problem engineers are combining a small amount of fast memory with a large amount of slow memory. And we want huge facilities at a reliable price. And here the concept of cache memory comes. Basically, there are three types of memory is our computer. These are Hard drive, RAM and cache memory.

Cache comes from the French word cacher which means to hide. We can say that cache memory is a storage memory which can store top uses computer programs with a higher speed. It is a volatile memory. It is the fastest memory portion in a computer. But its storing capacity is very low respect to others memory. There are three types of cache memory:
1.   Level 1(L1) cache or Primary cache.
2.   Level 2(L2) or Secondary cache. 
3.   Level 3(L3) or Main Memory.

1. Level 1 or Primary Cache:

 L1 is the fastest cache memory which stays inside the processor. But it is very small than other cache memory. The storing capacity of L1 cache is between 2KB to 64 KB.

2.  Level 2 or Secondary Cache:

 L2 cache can stay inside the processers or others IC chips in processor. But where they stay is not a great matter because these chips are connected by a bus and it is quite fast to process. The storing capacity is between 256KB to 512KB.

3.  Level 3 or Main Memory:

L3 cache is the separate memory which speed is much more than a RAM. And its storing capacity is between 1MB to 8 MB.

How Cache Memory Works:

Basically, cache memory stores our daily important data command. When we give a command to the processor then it gets so many commands and to read or write any data. Here cache memory takes a major role. It stores our frequently used data which we need almost every time to operate the computer. Now when we give a command to computer then it will not go to RAM. First, it will check the cache memory and will take the instruction to process. Otherwise, it will go to RAM to pick up the instruction. So thus cache memory helps the processor to work fast. But sometimes when we give a command to the computer and it fails to find the instruction on the cache memory then again it goes to RAM to find that instruction. In that time the processor does delay which is known as cache latency. Thus cache memory works.
Working Of Cache Memory

Best Budget Laptop For Web Developers 2019

Monday 24 December 2018

Protocol-What Is Protocol


A protocol is a set of rules which determines how the data will be transmitted over in the network. Protocol are stored in binary information. It is a mixture of bits, characters, and integers.

Suppose there are 2 machines and we need to transfer some data to another machine. In this case of data transfer, there are some rules, which are known to us as Protocol. So, we can say that in networking protocol is a set of instructions that define how data will be transferred and how devices will communicate with each other. It is a communication standard which helps to communicate two devices. There are 3 levels in a protocol. These are:

1.  Hardware Device Level
2.  Software Level
3.  Application Level

And there are 2 types of protocol:

1. Standard Protocol:
Standard protocol helps to communicate multi winder means products of a different company.FTP,DNS,DHCP,SMTP,Telnet,TFTP are the standard protocol which are available for public users.

2.  Proprietary Protocol:
A proprietary protocol cannot support multi winder. It can support only company own devices. This is not available publicly. If anyone wishes to use that proprietary protocol, then he/she have to take permission of that protocol company means by which the protocol was created. Let's talk about IMessage which has made by Apple. If there are two Apple devices then by the proprietary protocol the communication could be possible. But in the case of other company devices, it will not be possible.

What Is Encryption



The internet is an open public system. We send and receive information over the internet connection. But even we know it is an open public system, we still exchange a lot of private data through the internet. We send very sensitive things like bank information, credit card number,cvv, password, emails, and others. So now, here it is a big question that, how do we keep this private stuff safe.

Encryption is a process to keep any kind of data safe. Scrambling a message to hide the original is encryption. And decryption is the process to unscrambling the message to make that readable.

This is a very simple idea in encryption and decryption and we have been doing it for a very long time. One of the first well-known methods of encryption was CAESAR'S CIPHER which was made after Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a Roman general who keeps encrypted his military commands by his enemies.

Caesar Cipher was an algorithm, that subtracts each letter from the original message with a letter of a certain number of steps down to the alphabet. In this case, when sender and receiver know that number then it called a key. To decrypt the message it will do to reverse the number.

what is encryption

But there was a big problem with Caesar Cipher. As Caesar Cipher was a method of number increase and decrease that is why it was very easy to crack the encrypted message by trying every possible letter and there, in the English alphabet, there are 26 letters which means you only need to try almost 26 keys to decrypt the encrypted message. Therefore a new method came. In Caesar Cipher we tried to encrypt the message by using only a fix number. Let imagine the encrypt message is "Hello".So here by using a key of 5, the message will be "Mjqqt".Now to make this difficult we will add a different amount of number key to decrypt. If we consider using 10 digit encryption, there could be 10 billion possible key solutions. That will be very difficult for us even it could take many centuries. But with a computer, it will take only a few seconds to decrypt the encrypted message. Thereafter encryption with 128/192 and 256-bit encryption came in market. Today's secure communications are encrypted with 256-bit encryption, which is very difficult to crack with so many supercomputers.

There are two types of key encryption.
                                                             1.  Symmetric
                                                             2.  Asymmetric
When the sender and the receiver share the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message then it is called as symmetric encryption. It will not available except the sender and receiver. But a public key which can be exchanged with anybody called asymmetrically. So, we can say that encryption is the most secure process for transferring data. When we send a message using an encrypted messaging service like facebook, WhatsApp.That time the service wraps takes our message in code and make an encryption key regarding that message which only the reciever of the message could decrypt.


Sunday 23 December 2018

What Is Download-Download


We are very familiar with this word "Download".On the internet, a download is a process to receive data from another remote system, which can also say as a server. Server is the storage point where every related data are stored. When we click to download any files, photos or videos or any other thing on the internet, then the data file from the server comes to us as a remote server. This same concept applies to upload. When we upload something on the internet, then from our source the data goes to the server through the internet. We cannot say download as data transfer, because the download is the process between source and server. It is just a process of receiving data from the server through the internet.
From the internet user's point of view, a download is a request from a user to the server to send data through the internet. Basically, this "Download" term is associated with videos, songs, games, pictures and other programs. In any smart device when we click on any download option the file destination opens, where the downloaded file will store.

what is download

What Is Domain


In this universe every object, every person has its own name with which we can identify one thing from another. This same concept applies here in the name Domain.

A Domain name is nothing but website name. Basically, domain is the address where anybody in this earth can access our website using internet connection.
We everyone heard about IP address which stands for Internet Protocol address. An IP address is the series of numbers for a particular website or mobile phone or any network connection. As IP address is a bunch of numbers, so it's become very difficult for us to remember this number to access. To avoid this type of problem in the year 1985 on 15th of March a Massachusetts computer company, Symbolics first launched their domain name "".It can say that domain name is the alternate remembering process of an IP address.

There are two types of domain. The first one is SLP which stands for second level domain and the next one is TLD which stands for top-level domain. The domain name can be a maximum of 63 characters. It is basically an URL or address of a website. When we are talking about an URL, it is also important to say, there are 5 parts of a full URL. These parts are:
1.  Protocol:
                   This is hypertext transfer protocol("https://").
2.  Subdomain:
                  "www. " is the subdomain of every website.
3.  Domain:
                   This is one's actual website name.
4.  Directories
5.  Webpage:
                   It usually is written in hypertext markup language.

Any domain name is a combination of some letters and numbers. The extension makes a major role while choosing a domain name. It is to be noted that domain name must be registered before use it. If anyone searches by typing our web domain name "" they will go only on our website not others.  

Saturday 22 December 2018

How Is OnePlus 6T- Is It Worth It To Buy-One Plus 6T

OnePlus 6T

one plus 6t features

 In this year 2018 in the month, October OnePlus launched their new smartphone OnePlus 6T. With this beast, OnePlus captured their customers in a better way.OnePlus got a huge response after launching their new smartphone. The phone is really classic.OnePlus almost modified the full features of this phone. And it can say that OnePlus 6T is much better than OnePlus 6. So without wasting any time let's check it out the features of this phone.

1.  Processor With Higher Speed: 

                     Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor is the superfast processor in this market of smartphones. Snapdragon 845 gives ultimate super fast speed with multitasking. And it comes with 8GB/6GB of RAM, which is a lot as a smartphone device. Internal storage is 128 GB. Therefore you will get fast and smooth experience all time.

2.  Screen Unlock: 
                      You can unlock your OnePlus 6T with the fastest display fingerprint sensor. Fingerprint sensor in the large display is very fast. But there is no back fingerprint area.OnePlus 
 added a new technology in this phone, which is cutting edge screen technology with an insane look.

3.  Camera:
                      As far as the cameras are concerned, OnePlus 6T packs a 16-megapixel primary camera which comes with the 20-megapixel secondary camera on the rear. On the other side 16 megapixels front-facing camera. In this phone, Oneplus uses OIS (Optical Image Stabilization) technology. Which helps to take perfect shot in day or night. Nightscape mode can take a perfect and details shot with zooming. Threfore you can capture a night in a better way.

4.  Battery Power:

                     3700 mAh battery comes with supercharging technology. Can charge your phone fully within half an hour. It is a nonremovable battery. But one bad thing is, there is no wireless charging technology in this OnePlus 6T.

5.  Giant Display:

                     OnePlus 6T gives you the largest display along with resilient glass back. You will experience a 6.41-inch optic AMOLED diaplay. The phone comes with a very slim cut display. The weight of the phone is almost 185 grams.
6.  Special Features:

                      OnePlus 6T accept dual sim(Nano SIM).Wi-fi ,GPS,Bluetooth,NFC,USB OTG,USB type c port.In this phone Oneplus added Ambient Light Sensor.

This OnePlus 6T price in India starts from Rs. 37,999.

You can check the phone by clicking here:

Friday 21 December 2018

How Is Huawei Mate 20 Pro-Huawei Mate 20 Pro

Huawei Mate 20 Pro- The Beast  Ever

how is huawei mate 20 pro


The Huawei Company was founded by an ex-military officer, Ren Zhengfei in the year 1987. This company started a small startup. But now in this year 2018, it is considered that Huawei is creating future technology. This year in the month November Huawei launched the beast smartphone,HUAWEI MATE 20 PRO. This smartphone features blew up every smartphone holder.
Let's check it out the incredible features of this phone.

1.  Top Class Performace:

                                         In this phone, Huawei introduced us about the best quality performance. The Kirin 980 HiAI processor gives us the fastest multitasking features without wait.

2.   Camera:           
                                         In this phone, Huawei gives Leica triple lens camera.40 MP main lens which is more effective than the same budget DSLR. As well as it has 8 MP telephoto lens and 20 MP ultra wide angle camera which helps to take ultra wide and macro shots with perfect zooming technology. This Leica triple camera comes with AI technology. This phone night mode feature is as real as day. Powerful AI technology helps to take a beautiful photo at night. In this phone, Huawei also added a cinema mode camera which takes the photo as a photographer.
how is huawei mate 20 pro

3.  Fastest AI Technology To Unlock Unlimited Possibilities:
                                           Huawei Mate 20 Pro  Face Unlocking is very fast. Huawei super-fast technology unlocks, can unlock your phone in just a fraction of second.3D depth sensing camera takes 30,000 points in user's face. Due to that, you can unlock your phone any kind of angle. Face ID can also be used to locked personal info and app lock.

4.  Finger Print In Screen:  

                                          Huawei Mate 20 Pro has a fingerprint on the screen. Sensing technology is superclass. For that, once you touch the screen the phone will unlock instantly.
how is huawei mate 20 pro

5. Battery Power:

                                         Huawei Mate 20 Pro battery is wonderful. 4,200 mAh battery is so much strong. It will remain 2 days continuously without heavy pressure. It has the superfast charging system which takes around 30 minutes from null to 70%. Wireless quick charge is also very fast. You can shift your one Huawei mate 20 pro charge to another mate 20 pro..AI power management manage all the power supply with high technology.

6. Limitless possibilities with your new beast:

                                         Higher Intelligence performance gives you higher speed.3D phone glass with hand fit in lightweight. With which you can explore your life from a different angle. This phone is water resistance and dust resistance. So you don't need to worry about water and dust anytime.

7.  World's Most Powerful Processor:

                                          Kirin 980 powerful processor comes with just 7 nm in size. Which is the world's fast macro processor. This phone gives you speedest processing speed.CPU power efficiency is incredible. Top class wifi speed, as well as internet speed, gives you the all-time entertainment.

8. Giant Screen And RAM:

                                           6.39- inch big display comes with 3D technology. Screen resolution is 1440*3120 pixels. This smartphone comes with 6 GB RAM and 128 internal storage which can be extended up to 256 GB.

In India the Huawei Mate 20 Pro price starts from 69,990 Rs.


Thursday 20 December 2018

Binary Addition In Digital Electronics-Digital Electronics

Binary Addition

          1.   0+0=0
          2.   0+1=1
          3.   1+0=1
          4.   1+1=0,1in carry

For Example: 
1.                 Addition of  0101+1010

Therefore it will be: 0101+1010=1111

2.                Addition of 0101+0110

Therefore it will be: 0101+0110=1011

3.                Addition of     00111001+00101001

Therefore it will be: 00111001+00101001=01100010

4.               Addition of       0011+0011

Therefore it will be: 0011+0011=0110

Thus we find the addition of two binary number.
Note: Always remember that carry portion which is 1+1=0, carry 1.
This is so much important while adding two binary numbers

2's Complement-Digital Eletronics

2's Complement

In Digital Electronics we generally find 2's complement of any given number. To find 2's complement in digital electronics is very simple.
Here we are going to understand, how to find 2's complement. So, let's get started.

          1.  First, find 1's complement of that given number.
          2.  Add '+1'

To see how to find 1's complement click here

For an example:
                          Let's take 0010
We have to find 2's complement of this number.
So, first, we will find 1's complement.
Which will be:   1101
Now we will add '+1' with that 1's complement.
Therefore the answer will be:  1101+1=1110
This is the 2's complement of that number.
Thus we can find 2's complement of any given number.

1's Complement-Digital Electronics

1's Complement

In Digital Electronics to find 1's complement is very very easy. It is nothing but changing the binary number. If it is 0 then will write it as 1 and if it is 1 then we will write it as 0.

For An Example:
                             The given number is 10101010

So, therefore, the 1's complement of that number will be 01010101.
As you guys can see that it is nothing but just changing the number between 0 and 1. It is as simple as that.

10's Complement-Digital Electronics

10's Complement

To find 10's complement for a given number is very easy to do.Here we are going to discuss the rules to find 10's complement and then we will talk about an example.So let's get started.

           1.   First, find 9's complement.
           2.   Add ' +1' with that 9's complement.

                    10n -1
where n=number of digits

 For Example:
                         452 is a given number.And we have to find the 9's complement of this.

So, as mentioned above, we will count the number of digits. And here we see that there are 3 digits.
Now we will use the mentioned formula.

So the result will be:  10n

where n=3
therefore the answer will be 999

Now we have to subtract 452 from 999.
Therefore 999-452=547

Thus we find 9's complement of a given number.
After finding this 9's complement we have to add ' +1' with that result.
Hence the answer will be: 547+1=548
Thus we find 10's complement of a given number.

9's Complement-Digital Electronics

9's Complement

To find 9's complement for a given number is very easy to do. Here we are going to discuss the rules to find 9's complement and then we will talk about an example. So let's get started.

           1.   First, check how many numbers are there in that given number.
           2.   Subtract that number from 9(number of digits=number of 9)

                    10n -1
where n=number of digits

 For Example:
                         452 is a given number. And we have to find the 9's complement of this.

So, as mentioned above, we will count the number of digits. And here we see that there are 3 digits.
Now we will use the mentioned formula.

So the result will be:  10n

where n=3
therefore the answer will be 999

Now we have to subtract 452 from 999.
Therefore 999-452=547
Thus we find 9's complement of a given number.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Number System-Number System

Number System

In Digital Electronics there are 4 Types of number system. These are given below:

Decimal Number:

                            A decimal number is a number with a decimal point in it like 17.587

The number to the left of the decimal is an ordinary number. Here the first number to the right of the decimal is the number of tenths (1/10s). The second is the number of hundredths(1/100s) and like others.
Decimal Number

Binary Number:

                            In mathematics and digital electronics, a binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 number system or binary numeral system, which uses only two symbols: 0 and 1

Binary Number

Octal Number:

                             The octal number system is based on 8 number system and uses the digits 0 to 7.

Octal Numbers can be made from binary numbers by grouping consecutive binary digits into groups of three(starting from the right).
Octal Number

Hexadecimal Number:

                              A hexadecimal number based on the number 16. As well as the familiar digits 0 to 9, there are also the letters "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" in place of the decimal numbers 10 to 15.

Hexadecimal Number

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics-Digital Electronics

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics

Digital  ICs are basically categorized according to their complexity of circuit and also their logic gates. According to this, there are 5 standards levels of complexity in digital electronics. These all are given below:

Small Scale Integration(SSI):

                                               In this circuit, less than 12 gate circuit can stay on a single chip. It is to be noted that flip-flop and logic gates are in this category.

Medium Scale Integration(LSI):

                      In this circuit, 12 to 99 logic gate circuit can stay on a single chip.Counter,Register,multiplexers,demultiplexers,decoder,encoder are in this category.

Large Scale Integration(LSI):

                                               In this circuit, 100 to 9999 logic gates can stay on a single chip.

Small memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI)

                                                In this kind of circuit 10,000 to 99,999 logic gates stay per chip. Large memories, microprocessors belong to this category.

Ultra Large Scale Integration(ULSI):

                                                 This is a very complex circuit. Above 100,000 logic gates can stay on a single chip. Very large memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

What Is Microprocessor-Microprocessor


A Microprocessor is a Large scale integration(LSI) or Very Large scale integration(VLSI) device that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic operation and other function in a prescribed sequence for the movement and processing of data.

These Microprocessors are available in word lengths of 4,8,16,32 and 64 bits. Nowadays 128-bit microprocessors are being used in some computers. The 4-bit processors are virtually obsolete, because of their low cost, small size, low power consumption.                                                                                                                       

The Microprocessor is used as the central processing unit in a microcomputer system. The speed of the microprocessor determines the maximum speed of a microcomputer.
Basically, we can say that a microprocessor is a computer processor which operate all the things on a computer. It is a digital integrated circuit which accepts an only binary form of a given instruction and converts that into machine language and operates all the instruction given by a user. Microprocessors contain sequential and as well as a combinational circuit. Basically, microprocessors are nothing but the brain of a computer, which is known to us as a central processing unit(CPU).

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