Monday 24 December 2018

Filled Under:

What Is Encryption



The internet is an open public system. We send and receive information over the internet connection. But even we know it is an open public system, we still exchange a lot of private data through the internet. We send very sensitive things like bank information, credit card number,cvv, password, emails, and others. So now, here it is a big question that, how do we keep this private stuff safe.

Encryption is a process to keep any kind of data safe. Scrambling a message to hide the original is encryption. And decryption is the process to unscrambling the message to make that readable.

This is a very simple idea in encryption and decryption and we have been doing it for a very long time. One of the first well-known methods of encryption was CAESAR'S CIPHER which was made after Julius Caesar. Julius Caesar was a Roman general who keeps encrypted his military commands by his enemies.

Caesar Cipher was an algorithm, that subtracts each letter from the original message with a letter of a certain number of steps down to the alphabet. In this case, when sender and receiver know that number then it called a key. To decrypt the message it will do to reverse the number.

what is encryption

But there was a big problem with Caesar Cipher. As Caesar Cipher was a method of number increase and decrease that is why it was very easy to crack the encrypted message by trying every possible letter and there, in the English alphabet, there are 26 letters which means you only need to try almost 26 keys to decrypt the encrypted message. Therefore a new method came. In Caesar Cipher we tried to encrypt the message by using only a fix number. Let imagine the encrypt message is "Hello".So here by using a key of 5, the message will be "Mjqqt".Now to make this difficult we will add a different amount of number key to decrypt. If we consider using 10 digit encryption, there could be 10 billion possible key solutions. That will be very difficult for us even it could take many centuries. But with a computer, it will take only a few seconds to decrypt the encrypted message. Thereafter encryption with 128/192 and 256-bit encryption came in market. Today's secure communications are encrypted with 256-bit encryption, which is very difficult to crack with so many supercomputers.

There are two types of key encryption.
                                                             1.  Symmetric
                                                             2.  Asymmetric
When the sender and the receiver share the same key to encrypt and decrypt a message then it is called as symmetric encryption. It will not available except the sender and receiver. But a public key which can be exchanged with anybody called asymmetrically. So, we can say that encryption is the most secure process for transferring data. When we send a message using an encrypted messaging service like facebook, WhatsApp.That time the service wraps takes our message in code and make an encryption key regarding that message which only the reciever of the message could decrypt.
