Thursday 20 December 2018

9's Complement-Digital Electronics

9's Complement

To find 9's complement for a given number is very easy to do. Here we are going to discuss the rules to find 9's complement and then we will talk about an example. So let's get started.

           1.   First, check how many numbers are there in that given number.
           2.   Subtract that number from 9(number of digits=number of 9)

                    10n -1
where n=number of digits

 For Example:
                         452 is a given number. And we have to find the 9's complement of this.

So, as mentioned above, we will count the number of digits. And here we see that there are 3 digits.
Now we will use the mentioned formula.

So the result will be:  10n

where n=3
therefore the answer will be 999

Now we have to subtract 452 from 999.
Therefore 999-452=547
Thus we find 9's complement of a given number.

Wednesday 19 December 2018

Number System-Number System

Number System

In Digital Electronics there are 4 Types of number system. These are given below:

Decimal Number:

                            A decimal number is a number with a decimal point in it like 17.587

The number to the left of the decimal is an ordinary number. Here the first number to the right of the decimal is the number of tenths (1/10s). The second is the number of hundredths(1/100s) and like others.
Decimal Number

Binary Number:

                            In mathematics and digital electronics, a binary number is a number expressed in the base-2 number system or binary numeral system, which uses only two symbols: 0 and 1

Binary Number

Octal Number:

                             The octal number system is based on 8 number system and uses the digits 0 to 7.

Octal Numbers can be made from binary numbers by grouping consecutive binary digits into groups of three(starting from the right).
Octal Number

Hexadecimal Number:

                              A hexadecimal number based on the number 16. As well as the familiar digits 0 to 9, there are also the letters "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" in place of the decimal numbers 10 to 15.

Hexadecimal Number

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics-Digital Electronics

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics

Digital  ICs are basically categorized according to their complexity of circuit and also their logic gates. According to this, there are 5 standards levels of complexity in digital electronics. These all are given below:

Small Scale Integration(SSI):

                                               In this circuit, less than 12 gate circuit can stay on a single chip. It is to be noted that flip-flop and logic gates are in this category.

Medium Scale Integration(LSI):

                      In this circuit, 12 to 99 logic gate circuit can stay on a single chip.Counter,Register,multiplexers,demultiplexers,decoder,encoder are in this category.

Large Scale Integration(LSI):

                                               In this circuit, 100 to 9999 logic gates can stay on a single chip.

Small memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI)

                                                In this kind of circuit 10,000 to 99,999 logic gates stay per chip. Large memories, microprocessors belong to this category.

Ultra Large Scale Integration(ULSI):

                                                 This is a very complex circuit. Above 100,000 logic gates can stay on a single chip. Very large memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

What Is Microprocessor-Microprocessor


A Microprocessor is a Large scale integration(LSI) or Very Large scale integration(VLSI) device that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic operation and other function in a prescribed sequence for the movement and processing of data.

These Microprocessors are available in word lengths of 4,8,16,32 and 64 bits. Nowadays 128-bit microprocessors are being used in some computers. The 4-bit processors are virtually obsolete, because of their low cost, small size, low power consumption.                                                                                                                       

The Microprocessor is used as the central processing unit in a microcomputer system. The speed of the microprocessor determines the maximum speed of a microcomputer.
Basically, we can say that a microprocessor is a computer processor which operate all the things on a computer. It is a digital integrated circuit which accepts an only binary form of a given instruction and converts that into machine language and operates all the instruction given by a user. Microprocessors contain sequential and as well as a combinational circuit. Basically, microprocessors are nothing but the brain of a computer, which is known to us as a central processing unit(CPU).

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