Wednesday 19 December 2018

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics-Digital Electronics

Levels Of Integration In Digital Electronics

Digital  ICs are basically categorized according to their complexity of circuit and also their logic gates. According to this, there are 5 standards levels of complexity in digital electronics. These all are given below:

Small Scale Integration(SSI):

                                               In this circuit, less than 12 gate circuit can stay on a single chip. It is to be noted that flip-flop and logic gates are in this category.

Medium Scale Integration(LSI):

                      In this circuit, 12 to 99 logic gate circuit can stay on a single chip.Counter,Register,multiplexers,demultiplexers,decoder,encoder are in this category.

Large Scale Integration(LSI):

                                               In this circuit, 100 to 9999 logic gates can stay on a single chip.

Small memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI)

                                                In this kind of circuit 10,000 to 99,999 logic gates stay per chip. Large memories, microprocessors belong to this category.

Ultra Large Scale Integration(ULSI):

                                                 This is a very complex circuit. Above 100,000 logic gates can stay on a single chip. Very large memories, microprocessors belong in this category.

What Is Microprocessor-Microprocessor


A Microprocessor is a Large scale integration(LSI) or Very Large scale integration(VLSI) device that can be programmed to perform arithmetic and logic operation and other function in a prescribed sequence for the movement and processing of data.

These Microprocessors are available in word lengths of 4,8,16,32 and 64 bits. Nowadays 128-bit microprocessors are being used in some computers. The 4-bit processors are virtually obsolete, because of their low cost, small size, low power consumption.                                                                                                                       

The Microprocessor is used as the central processing unit in a microcomputer system. The speed of the microprocessor determines the maximum speed of a microcomputer.
Basically, we can say that a microprocessor is a computer processor which operate all the things on a computer. It is a digital integrated circuit which accepts an only binary form of a given instruction and converts that into machine language and operates all the instruction given by a user. Microprocessors contain sequential and as well as a combinational circuit. Basically, microprocessors are nothing but the brain of a computer, which is known to us as a central processing unit(CPU).

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Why Digital System Have A Number Of Advantages Than Analog System

Advantages Of Digital System

There are so many reasons that are why the digital system has a number of advantages than analog. Some of the reasons are given below:

                        It is easy to design a digital system whose operation is controlled by a set of stored instruction, which is called by us as a program. Any time the operation is to be changed,it can easily be done by modifying the program whereas in analog it cannot be possible.
Though analog systems can also be programmed, but the scope of changing is limited here.

Storage Of Information Become Easy:
                There are many types of magnetic memory which can store data for a longer time as required. Not only that there are semiconductors of large capacity which helps to store data for a longer period of time.

Easy To Design:
                The switching circuit in which there are only two levels of voltage, HIGH and LOW, which are easy to design. But in case of an analog system, there are such complex things which are not easy to design in a little bit of time. The exact values of voltages are not always essential, because they have only logic. But in analog, the exact values are very important.

                         Digital system is much accurate than analog because a digital system can be easily expanded to handle more digits by adding more switching circuits to make the value correct. In that case, the analog system is very slow to compute.
Digital Circuitry can be fabricated on IC chips:
                  The fabrication of digital ICs is much simpler than the analog system. Because the digital system does not require any high-value capacitors. It does not need any kind of resistors, transformers like an analog system.But in the analog system these all components are very essential

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What Is Digital Electronics

Digital Electronics
Digital Electronics is an electronics that use the binary form of a number. Basically, it is a device which can understand only 0 and 1.
Digital System is two kinds of:
                                                  1.   Analog
                                                  2.   Digital
             Analog circuits are those in which voltages and currents vary continuously through the given range. They can take infinite values within a specified range.3

            A Digital circuit is one in which the voltage levels assume a finite number of distinct values.

It is to be noted that digital circuits are also called switching circuits because the voltage levels in a digital circuit are assumed to be switched from one value to another. And switching circuit are two types of:
             1.  Combinational Switching Circuit
             2.  Sequential Switching Circuit

Combinational Switching Circuit:
                                                          It is a switching circuit which output depends on present inputs only. It has no memory.

                                                  Combinational Switching Circuit   

Sequential Switching Circuit:
                                                     It is a switching circuit which output depends not only on present inputs but also present state as well as past inputs also.
It can say that sequential circuits are nothing but combinational circuits with memory.
                                                   Sequential Switching Circuit

Sequential Switching circuits may be two types of:
                                                                                 1. Synchronous
                                                                                 2. Asynchronous
Synchronous Switching Circuit:
                                                      In synchronous switching circuit state transition can take place only when the inputs are applied along with a clock pulse.
Synchronous Circuit

Asynchronous Switching Circuit:
                                                        In asynchronous switching circuit state transition can take place any time the inputs are applied.

It is a very important note that, Digital Circuits are also called logic circuits because each type of digital circuit obeys a set of logic rules.

Digital system is used extensively in computation and all other processing,

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